About the CEO and Author

Gloria Martinis a creative author, and graphic artist. Her literature works communicate impelling messages which are relevant to life situations.
Miss Martin’s writings ignite suppressed stories resulting from spiritual disillusions of social and church misconceptions.
The Messages embedded in her writings relay crucial end-time prophetic precautions and render restorations of faith for the joy of salvation.
Through serving in varies church positions, for many years, Miss Martin has gained valuable ministry experience, ordained as an Evangelist, former Pastor, and former Mother-Board member.
In her educational journey: High School Graduate; National Business College, (Business Management); Patrick Henry Community College (Drafting and Computer Science, John Wesley Evangelical College:(Biblical Studies); and Apex School of Theology,(Biblical Studies), while on the Dean's Honor list for a full eight years, Miss Martin earned a Bachelor of Theology Degree, as well as a Master’s in Divinity Degree.
Miss Martin is also an honorable discharged veteran of the United States Army.
Miss Martin has combined many of her skills and talents, achieved in various employment positions, to be founder and CEO of EonLegaci, LLC., a Micro-Small Parent Company to Five DBA Subsidiaries.
“As the author of the books, Blind Illusion, Spiritually Released, Part I and Blind Illusion, Spiritually Released, Scenario-Finale Part II, I’m sincerely praying after reading either book, the reader will continually remember the content of the messages and the scenarios written to inform and encourage.
May we no longer be Blinded by deceptive Illusions but living Spiritually Released, through the universal core principles of wisdom of the Morals and Values from our Sovereign Creator.